Please download and read the latest newsletter. Do print and share with colleagues: LeedsUCUnewsletterFeb15
Motions passed at EGM on 20th January
1. Motion to recommend rejection of the offer
This UCU branch believes that the current ‘potential agreement’ offer represents a major
cut in pensions. The offer accepts the parameters of the huge projected deficit, and cuts
pensions to fill this gap. As well as ending Final Salary, it concedes the principle of a
Defined Contribution element for contributions over £55,000 that allows the Employer to
cut their contributions to 12%, provides members with no certainty about the value of their
pension and paves the way for future concessions.
This UCU branch therefore calls on all members to vote to reject the offer, and to demand
HEC officers call hard-hitting industrial action to win the dispute.
We support the UCL UCU executive’s decision to host a national networking meeting to discuss the Pensions dispute to follow the UCU Education, Cradle to Grave Conference on 7 February.
Proposed by Lesley McGorrigan
Seconded by Hau Hing Chau
2. “This branch rejects the current proposals for uss reform. Although it represents an improvement for new
scheme members, that is only because the existing scheme is so poor for them compared with longstanding
scheme members. For longstanding scheme members, this is a 20% detriment or more. This branch resolves
to support a no detriment outcome for longstanding members and an outcome for newer members which
offers at least as good a pension as for longstanding scheme members. We collectively therefore reject
the divide and rule scheme promoted by the employers.”
Proposed by Jeremy Toner
Seconded by Colin Hendrie
March for USS – Thursday 15th at 1pm Parkinson steps
EGM 20th January 1pm Civil Engineering LT A (1.10)
University and College Union
Tuesday 20th January 2015
1pm, Civil Engineering LT A (1.10)
1. Congress delegates.
2. Local rules.
3. USS dispute.
4. Boycott of assessment.
5. Motions from members.
6. AOB
If members would like to submit motions under the theme of the current USS dispute these should be received by the administrator, Ailis Ferris-Neely, by 5pm on 16th January for tabling.
Some boycotted material
We’ve been receiving a steady stream of information from some of the people carrying out the current boycott of assessment. Here is a list of some of the details we’ve received, all anonymised:
- 50 mid-semester essays not being marked
- Marking delayed on assignment for MA module
- The majority of 200 Level 1 essays are not being marked
- The majority of 200 Level 2 practical reports are not being marked
- Individual assignments (45%) module grade not happening
- For one module all assessment ceased and no exams set
- Coursework setting suspended
- 50 mid-term essays not being marked
- marking of reports not being done
- Summative coursework essay – setting of essay title and essay marking not being done
- Weekly assessed writing assignment not marked
- Essay not being marked – (60 level-2 students).
- Marking of mid-term assessments on 2 MA modules
- 50 mid-term essays not being marked
- Setting (and marking) assessed coursework for a one week module
- Course essays not marked
- Short essays not being marked
- 1 assessment for a level 3 module – approx. 60 students -not been marked
- 1 assessment for a level 2 module approx -not been marked
- Setting of semester 2 essay titles not done
- Assignments for MA module not marked
- Undergraduate project is not being marked
- PGT research vivas not happening
- Viva for PHD not happening
- Summative presentations not assessed
- Assessed group presentations not happening
- Assessed practicals not being marked
- Exam papers not sent to external examiners
- Level 3 mid-term assessment not taking place
- Mid-term exams not marked
- Assessment panel not attended
- Student progress committee not attended
- Mid-term assessments on 2 MA modules
- Written test postponed
- MCQ’s test not happening
- Spot test assessment not being set
Send us you boycott information to
USS crisis
If you’ve come to our pages to learn more about the threat to your USS pension, please go to and bookmark our USS 2014 page or go to the National UCU Boycott FAQs
Some posts on the USS issue on our blog:
Professionalism and difficult decisions
De-risking: increasing the deficit so that it can be calculated more easily
UUK misleading staff?
Longevity: an admission of misinformation?
Emergency General Meeting to discuss USS
Thursday 25th September 2014
1pm, Roger Stevens Lecture Theatre 24 (10.24)
I have received notice under rule 15.2.7 to call an emergency general meeting to discuss the future of the USS pension scheme.
- Introduction from President.
- Report back from National Pensions Meeting.
- USS – time line for possible dispute.
- AOB.
Gavin Reid
Honorary Secretary