Anti-casualisation working group call for participation
As you might be aware, the University is currently going through a process of revising the contracts of staff employed for 2+ years on fixed term contracts as of end of July 2022 in light of their “Fairer Future for All” pledge (you can read what we’ve been doing so far here).
The local branch are having discussions with senior management and HR prior to formal negotiations starting, and we need your help and feedback. There are two ways you can help:
- If you are inclined to help by participating in the anti-casualisation working group, please get in touch with Marina Baldissera Pacchetti, branch anti-casualisation officer, via We particularly encourage staff on fixed term contracts to join.
- If you are interested in participating in a strike day session on the fixed term contract / ”fairer future for all”, please still email Marina and share where you’d prefer to be contacted during strike days.
This page was last updated on 25 January 2023