Leeds UCU is working hard to end casualised contracts in UK Higher Education. We think everyone at Leeds and other institutions should have a secure job, and that it is unacceptable that people live without knowing if they will be able to pay their rent or not due to precarious working conditions. Through our Anti-casualisation roadshow, Ignition (October 2018), the subsequent Anti-casualisation claim (January 2019) and our broader campaigns for fair pay we have highlighted the challenges faced by precariously employed staff and research students on teaching contracts and demanded the university pay attention.

To keep in touch with anti-casualisation news more broadly, follow Leeds Anticasualisation news @casualsleeds and nationally @UCUAnti_Cas.  (The hashtag #zinesagainstprecarity may also be of interest as contains some great creative critiques of the current state of UK HE.)

The national UCU news on Anti-casualisation can be found here: https://www.ucu.org.uk/anticasnews

We submitted our anti-casualisation claim to the University of Leeds in January 2019. Full details at: leedsucu.org.uk/ucu-anti-casualisation-claim-submitted-to-university-of-leeds

See below for present information and links concerning anti-casualisation.

This page was last updated on 22 February 2021