UCU campaigns for equality.
Getting involved
Equality is at the heart of how we do things in UCU Leeds, and this year we have added specific roles on the branch committee to extend our equalities work: migrant members rep, migrant postgraduate members rep, women members rep, black members rep, disabled members rep, and LGBT+ members rep.
In addition, we have a branch Equality Officer and an Equality working group (open to all Leeds UCU members) who work on campaigns with a central equalities strand. Recent work has focused on identifying and tackling the gender and ethnicity pay gap at Leeds and calling for improved representation and support for migrant colleagues at Leeds and within the national UCU structure. The Equality Working groups are a forum in which members can contribute their expertise, knowledge and experience to help defining, organising and shaping the bulk of the Equality work. You do not have to commit to attending every time — we welcome any contribution from our membership, regardless of how little or big! We want to hear your voice, so this is an opportunity to make it heard in a small, informal space.
If you are concerned about a general issue of inequality in the workplace please contact your department rep.
If you would like individual support or advice about unequal treatment please email ucu@leeds.ac.uk or phone 35904 and we will arrange for a UCU caseworker for you.
The UCU branch equality officer is Lorraine Youds. If you would like to contribute to the equality working group, please email UCU@leeds.ac.uk for more information.
Find out more about UCU’s equality campaigns at ucu.org.uk/equality
This page was last updated on 22 February 2021