Casework drop-in, Bradford College strikes, Environment Working group and more
Text from all-members email sent 3 July 2019
Casework drop-in Weds 2 July, 12.30 – 2:30, 7.52 EC Stoner
If there’s something you think you might need UCU support for, but aren’t sure, drop in for a chat with a caseworker. Our casework drop-ins are usually on the first Wednesday of each month. For serious matters where you will definitely need your own caseworker, don’t wait for a drop-in session, email More about UCU support at
Supporting Bradford College UCU strikes Weds 3 – Fri 5 July
Bradford College UCU are striking over job cuts and pay. The college intends to cut 131 jobs, and staff have had only one 1% pay rise in the last 11 years, which means their pay has declined by 25% in real terms. If you can support their picket line on your way to work that would be fantastic solidarity – look out for the Leeds UCU banner. See
Extraordinary General Meeting Weds 10 July, 12 noon, Michael Sadler LG15
Concerned about any or all of: pensions, pay and equality, Head of School appointments, lecture capture, UniForum, discussion boards for in-course feedback, timetabling, or centralisation of admissions? Come and have your say at this EGM! A full agenda including the motions that have been submitted for decision will be emailed to you soon. Hope to see you there.
New Environment Working Group
The inaugural meeting of the Leeds UCU Environment Working Group will be held Friday 26 July 1-2 pm. If you are interested in being part of this new venture please email me. Enthusiasm or expertise will be equally welcome. A room will be booked to accommodate us.
Andrea Rylands, UCU Environmental Rep,
Industrial action ballots September/October
The recent email from our new General Secretary, Jo Grady, explains what’s happening and why. You will get two ballot papers to vote on industrial action, one on USS pensions and one on pay, equality, workload, and job security. It’s really important you use your vote in these ballots. Now would be an excellent time to check that the union has the correct postal address for you – please log on to MyUCU to check this at
Leeds UCU summer newsletter
We’ve put together a quick summary of everything that’s going on and it would be great if you could share this with colleagues, including those who aren’t (yet!) union members. Can you put a printout on a local noticeboard, kitchen or on your door? The newsletter is online here (and there’s a printable PDF you can download). Thanks.
In solidarity,
This page was last updated on 5 July 2019