Closure of the Ziff building to students
Some of you may have heard about plans to close the Ziff building to students without appointments – a radical change given the building was designed with students in mind and has accessibility features not present in many other campus buildings.
This impacts many services, but perhaps particularly the Lifelong Learning Centre, for whom limiting student access to the building represents a significant and unwelcome shift in the the way they operate.
The plans were initially announced in mid/late March with no consultation with staff or students and have caused huge distress.
The campus unions protested these plans vociferously and have had multiple meetings with decision makers. As a consequence we understand plans are being delayed, but have not been withdrawn.
It is vital that the university understands the disruption to effective, inclusive and compassionate ways of working caused by these plans and listens to and acts on concerns raised by staff. Our committee stands in full solidarity with staff and students who have been badly affected and will continue to support and defend them.
This post is from an email to UCU branch members from branch president Chloe Wallace, sent 19 April 2023
This page was last updated on 20 April 2023