Department rep by-elections October 2024
Department representatives by-election October 2024
The branch committee has called a by-election for where there are department rep roles available, because the election was held later into the summer than originally planned and some members missed the election.
Please think about who would be good to be a UCU rep for your department. In my view, a good union rep will often be someone that colleagues have confidence in, whose judgement they trust, and who is a good listener.
You can find out more about the roles of UCU reps at
The deadline for nominations is 12pm Thursday 31 October.
What does a UCU department rep do?
A network of department reps across the university is crucial for maintaining and increasing the strength of the union and ensuring the branch committee learns about problems in different areas.
UCU department reps are a point of contact for union members in that school, department, service or area, and they alert the branch committee to issues concerning members in their area.
Department reps are not always caseworkers and are not expected to represent members in their area with individual problems (although many department reps are caseworkers, supporting members in other departments). Department reps don’t negotiate with local management on behalf of the union – all consultation and negotiation with UCU is done centrally by the negotiating team.
Department reps will try to welcome new staff and make sure they know about the union.
Department rep roles
The committee changed the roles and boundaries changed for the 2024-2026 term of office, with the aim of members electing teams of reps to work together in their area.
See below for who your elected reps are and where there are still vacancies. (This is a by-election, which means you do not need to re-nominate reps who are already elected for 2024-2026.)
Instead of nominating for particular department rep roles or areas of focus (anti-casualisation, postgraduate, equality) these can be agreed later between the department reps elected. (Anyone taking a particular role is also still a general department rep.) This should give reps more flexibility if someone moves mid-term.
In a large department, if a rep wants, the website could list a specific work area to help members to find them and to decide who might best understand their issue. For example, a department rep for the School of Languages, Cultures and Societies might want to be listed with “(French)” after their name, but they would still be a rep for the whole school.
The number listed for health and safety reps includes workload reps. (You can specify “workload rep” or “health and safety rep” in your nominations if you wish but a health and safety reps can change focus to being a workload rep and vice versa, subject to appointment by the health and safety officer and appropriate training.)
To nominate a colleague (with their agreement!) please email, ideally include the word “nomination” in the email subject, saying, for example:
Dear UCU branch administrator
I wish to nominate James Smith for UCU department rep for the School of English
Yours faithfully
Maria García Sánchez
Each candidate needs two nominations by the deadline and to have confirmed by the deadline that they are willing to stand to be eligible for election. Nominations normally have to be from UCU members in the same department, but exceptions can be made for very small departments.
It would be helpful if candidates could arrange to be nominated by not more than two colleagues, copying you in so you know it’s been sent, as excess nominations create unnecessary work.
Department reps and remaining roles available
Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Cultures
Faculty of Biological Sciences
Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences
Faculty of Medicine and Health
Professional services
Digital Education Service
Claudia Rogers, department rep
Remaining roles available:
1 health and safety rep
Human Resources including ODPL
Jenny Rivas Perez, department rep
Remaining roles available:
3 department reps
4 health and safety reps
Andi Rylands, department rep
Louise Marr, department rep
Remaining roles available:
4 department reps
6 health and safety reps
Emily Haikney, department rep
Remaining roles available:
1 department reps
2 health and safety reps
Lifelong Learning Centre
Rachel Walls, department rep
Remaining roles available:
1 health and safety rep
Research and Innovation Service
Remaining roles available:
3 department reps
3 health and safety reps
Student Education Service (except those listed separately)
Remaining roles available:
5 department reps
5 health and safety reps
Professional services (except those listed separately)
Remaining roles available:
13 department reps
13 health and safety reps
Facilities directorate
Remaining roles available:
3 department reps
3 health and safety reps
Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Cultures
School of Design
Remaining roles available:
3 department reps
3 health and safety reps
School of English
Tony Crowley, department rep
Remaining roles available:
1 department reps
2 health and safety reps
Fine Art, History of Art and Cultural Studies
Remaining roles available:
1* department rep
1 health and safety rep
(*In these areas where the number of 2022-2024 reps exceeds the number of rep roles available for election under the formula for 2024-2026, 2022-2024 reps can all be re-elected if the election is uncontested by new candidates.)
School of History
Remaining roles available:
2 department reps
2 health and safety reps
School of Languages, Cultures and Societies (except Language Centre)
Corinne Painter, health and safety rep
Fabio Sarranito, department rep
Ingrid Sharp, health and safety rep
Leah Wang, department rep
Ruba Khamam, department rep
Sarah Hudspith, health and safety rep
Sarah Waters, health and safety rep
Remaining roles available:
1 department rep
Language Centre
Angela Hume, department rep
Sara Montgomery, health and safety rep
Remaining roles available:
1 department reps
1 health and safety reps
School of Media and Communication
Helen Thornham, department rep
Joanne Armitage, department rep
Miriam Kent, department rep
Remaining roles available:
2 health and safety reps
School of Music
Ewan Stefani, department rep
James Mooney, health and safety rep
Remaining roles available: none
Performance and Cultural Industries
ally Walsh, health and safety rep
Matty Elliot, department rep
Remaining roles available:
1 department reps
1 health and safety reps
School of Philosophy, Religion and History of Science
Remaining roles available:
2 department reps
2 health and safety reps
Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Cultures (office / unless listed separately)
Remaining roles available:
1 department rep
1 health and safety rep
Faculty of Biological Sciences
School of Molecular and Cellular Biology
Remaining roles available:
3 department reps
3 health and safety reps
School of Biomedical Sciences
Remaining roles available:
2 department reps
2 health and safety reps
School of Biology
Remaining roles available:
2 department reps
2 health and safety reps
Faculty of Biological Sciences (office / unless listed separately)
Remaining roles available:
1 department reps
1 health and safety reps
Faculty of Business
Faculty of Business (Leeds University Business School)
Abbie Winton, department rep
Alex Seehaus, department rep
Andreas Georgiadis, department rep
Gulbanu Kaptan, health and safety rep
Jane Holgate, department rep
Stefan Kesting, department rep and health and safety rep
Tao Jiang, department rep
Vera Trappmann, department rep
Remaining roles available:
1 department reps
6 health and safety reps
Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences
School of Chemical and Process Engineering
Remaining roles available:
2 department reps
2 health and safety reps
School of Chemistry
Lavinia Onel, department rep
Sandy James, department rep
Remaining roles available:
2 health and safety reps
School of Civil Engineering
Barbara Evans, department rep
Remaining roles available:
2 department reps
3 health and safety reps
School of Computing
Remaining roles available:
2 department reps
2 health and safety reps
School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering
Remaining roles available:
2 department reps
2 health and safety reps
School of Mathematics
Remaining roles available:
3 department reps
3 health and safety reps
School of Mechanical Engineering
Remaining roles available:
3 department reps
3 health and safety reps
School of Physics and Astronomy
Remaining roles available:
2 department reps
2 health and safety reps
Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences (office and unless listed separately)
Remaining roles available:
1 department rep
1 health and safety rep
Faculty of Environment
School of Earth and Environment
Jonathan Busch, department rep
Natalie Kopytko, department rep
Valeria Tolis, health and safety rep
Remaining roles available:
6 department reps
7 health and safety reps
School of Food Science and Nutrition
Remaining roles available:
2 department reps
2 health and safety reps
School of Geography
Remaining roles available:
3 department reps
3 health and safety reps
Institute for Transport Studies
David Watling, department rep
Paul Timms, department rep
Remaining roles available:
2 health and safety reps
Faculty of Environment (office / unless listed separately)
Remaining roles available:
1 department rep
1 health and safety rep
Faculty of Medicine and Health
Leeds Institute of Medical Research (LIMR)
Remaining roles available:
4 department reps
4 health and safety reps
Institute of Clinical Trials Research (LICTR)
Duncan Wilson, department rep
Remaining roles available:
2 department reps
3 health and safety reps
Institute of Cardiovascular and Metabolic Medicine (LICAMM)
Remaining roles available:
4 department reps
4 health and safety reps
Leeds Institute of Health Sciences
Dan Howdon, department rep
Sue Richards, health and safety rep
Remaining roles available:
3 department reps
3 health and safety reps
Leeds Institute of Medical Education
Remaining roles available:
2 department reps
2 health and safety reps
Leeds Institute of Rheumatic and Musculoskeletal Medicine (LIRMM)
Remaining roles available:
2 department reps
2 health and safety reps
Remaining roles available:
1 department reps
1 health and safety rep
Leeds Institute for Data Analytics (LIDA)
Remaining roles available:
1 department rep
1 health and safety rep
School of Dentistry
Nigel Bubb, health and safety rep
Remaining roles available:
3 department reps
2 health and safety reps
School of Healthcare
Remaining roles available:
Remaining roles available:
2 department reps
2 health and safety reps
School of Psychology
Remaining roles available:
2 department reps
2 health and safety reps
Faculty of Medicine and Health (office and unless listed separately)
Remaining roles available:
4 department reps
4 health and safety reps
Faculty of Social Sciences
School of Law
Amanda Keeling, department rep
Carrie Bradshaw, health and safety rep
Chris Dietz, department rep
Remaining roles available:
1 department reps
2 health and safety reps
School of Politics and International Studies
Charlie Dannreuther, department rep
Lata Narayanaswamy, department rep
Remaining roles available:
2 health and safety reps
School of Education
Richard Badger, department rep
Indira Banner, department rep
Remaining roles available:
2 health and safety reps
School of Sociology and Social Policy
Remaining roles available:
2 department reps
2 health and safety reps
Faculty of Social Sciences (office / unless listed separately)
Remaining roles available:
1 department reps
1 health and safety reps
This page was last updated on 2 October 2024