Department rep elections update
Based on email from the branch administrator to members 14 June 2022
This was our first time with the new rules of biennial elections for department reps. It sort-of worked but also it was an unusually busy end of May because of the dispute, so some people who would have stood for election missed the deadline. So, the members currently on the list have been elected unopposed:
And the committee has decided to run a ‘second round’ for where there are still gaps. So please send your nominations for any roles which are still vacant to by 12pm Thursday 30 June.
Everything you need to know about the different roles and how to do the nominations is at
(There’s no need to re-send nominations which came in after the last deadline, I’ve got them noted already.)
Where there is a gap in this list but there was a department rep previously, they’re still the rep until we have completed this second elections round.
Thank you to everyone who takes the time to discuss who the rep should be and nominated them (with their agreement!).
This page was last updated on 14 June 2022