Emergency General Meeting
The President of the local association has convened an Emergency General Meeting to discuss the next steps in the Statutes dispute. Here are some suggestions:
- Assessment boycott
- Strikes – one day/several days/indefinite
- Other action – what do you suggest?
If you have a proposal for the meeting, please send it to ucu@leeds.ac.uk
It is vital that we get a representative view of our members, so please do make an effort to attend this important meeting.
The meeting will be on Thursday 14th September at 1pm in Mechanical Engineering Lecture Theatre B (2.37).
Directions: Go through the main door of the building, up the stairs to the second floor, turn either left or right through the double doors, LT B is at the top of the small flight of stairs.
Accessibility directions: Go through the main door of the building. The lift is situated to the left of the staircase. Take the lift up to the second floor, turn left and go through the double doors, lecture theatre B is on your right.
The meeting is for all UCU members.
(Published 6 September but text is of convening notice sent by email to all members 31 August.)
This page was last updated on 27 September 2017