Nominations now open for next year’s UCU committee
UCU members elect a branch committee every year to shape, lead and facilitate the branch member-led campaigns and activities.
It really matters that the committee is representative, both in the diversity of people and contract types. If you’re interested and would like to know more, please get in touch with me or one of the current committee members. You don’t have to have experience of being a union rep to be on the committee.
Nominations are now open for all the elected committee roles for the 2018-2019 academic year*:
- Ordinary committee member (14 spaces)
- President
- Vice‑president
- Treasurer
- Honorary secretary
- Membership officer
- Equality officer
- Campaigns officer
- Health and safety officer
- Anti-casualisation officer
Some ordinary committee members are likely to be asked to take a lead on particular issues. These roles are not elected separately.
If you want to take the lead on one of the following issues it might be helpful if that was written on your nomination
- Ordinary committee member (Postgraduate rep)
- Ordinary committee member (International staff rep)
- Ordinary committee member (International postgraduate rep)
- Ordinary committee member (Environment rep)
Nominations for all committee positions must be sent to the branch administrator by 3.45 on Wednesday 23 May (24 hours before the AGM).
You can use the branch committee nomination form, but you don’t need to. Please scan and email nominations to or post them to UCU office, 7.51 EC Stoner Building.
(Nominations must be accompanied by the written consent of the nominee and supported by the identifiable signatures of two members of the local association. If there have been insufficient nominations to fill all committee places before the meeting further nominations to fill remaining vacancies may be proposed from the floor of the Annual General Meeting. Nominations for officers and committee for the ensuing year may be made by any member of the branch.)
(*the committee can appoint up to 4 additional members to the committee)
This page was last updated on 16 May 2018