Senior pay and the pay campaign
The UCU’s Freedom of Information request on VC and Principals’ pay revealed that in 2013/14, the average vice-chancellor salary for was £260,290. Eighteen vice- chancellors enjoyed a pay increase of more than 10%, with the largest being 70.2%. On average vice-chancellors were paid 6.4 times more than the average salary of staff. The union’s data also found that 20 institutions had more than 100 members of staff earning over £100,000 a year. This has roughly doubled in the last two years.
It is the trade unions’ view that the increases in reward and the increasing numbers of senior staff attracting six figure salaries, should be seen in the context of the perceived lack of fairness, transparency and balance when real-term pay cuts continue to be the experience of the vast majority of HE staff.
For Leeds senior staff pay, you can see the report of the remuneration committee 2014-15 online at Council > 2015-16 > Papers > Annual report from Remuneration Committee to see what the average increase in University of Leeds wages for those at grade 10 has been before the 1% pay increase. This paper is not yet public, at the time of publishing this blog, and will only be visible to UoL staff when it is. The pay of senior executive staff, including that of the Vice-Chancellor is published openly in the University’s annual reports.