Policy: promoting tolerance and mutual respect in campus Israel/Gaza debates
The following motion was carried (as here amended) at an emergency branch general meeting 4 March 2024. The text here is subject to approval of the minutes of that meeting and the approved minutes will be the correct version.
This branch notes that:
- The University of Leeds community is enriched by its national, cultural and religious diversity, including Palestinians, Israelis, and Muslims and Jews from around the world;
- Persistent conflict in Israel and Gaza has touched the UoL community directly, including family and friends of people killed or taken hostage by Israeli forces & in Hamas attacks, and others killed, wounded or displaced.
- These developments have led to strong feelings and principled stands on all sides, which have rightly been expressed in peaceful protest and passionate arguments;
- Lines were crossed, with property (including a place of worship) defaced or damaged, derogatory and abusive speech used, harassment at protests, threats sent to Palestinian supporters & death threats sent to the University’s Jewish chaplains;
- The Insitute of Race Relations document a torrent of anti-Palestinian racism*, whilst rates of anti-Semitic and Islamophobic incidents have risen sharply in Britain (each reportedly by ca. 600%) in recent months.
This branch resolves to:
- Denounce abusive or threatening language or actions directed towards any member or group, and in particular anti-Palestinian, anti-Semitic, Islamophobic, defamatory or other racist abuse;
- Uphold the right to engage in peaceful protest and demonstrations including criticism of the Israeli state.
- Encourage mutual respect and constructive dialogue amongst supporters of all sides of the Israel/Palestine conflict, in accord with the University’s shared values of compassion and inclusivity, where “every student, staff and other member of our community should be treated with dignity and mutual respect.”
This page was last updated on 11 March 2024