Motion to amend Congress 2024 motion listed as HE27, “For evidence-based staff-student policies against misconduct”
The following motion of amendment was carried at the branch general meeting 29 April 2024 so is agreed collective policy. The text here is subject to approval of the minutes of that meeting and the approved minutes will be the correct version. The motion is to propose an amendment to a motion from another branch that is on the agenda for UCU Congress 2024.
Add under ‘Congress believes’:
- UCU needs a clear stance on this issue.
Add a further section ‘Congress resolves’ between ‘Congress notes’ and ‘Congress calls branches to’
Under new section ‘Congress resolves’ add:
- To consult with the Equalities Standing Committees and Anti-Casualisation Committee, as well as the NUS, The 1752 Group, and other relevant specialist and survivor organizations.
- To oppose institution-wide registers of relationships.
(43 words)
Motion as amended would read:
For evidence-based staff-student policies against misconduct (Title 8 words)
Congress believes:
- UCU should support evidence-based policy to prevent abuses of power in HE.
- Policy must account for intersectional power relations and establish professional boundaries.
- UCU needs a clear stance on this issue.
Congress notes:
- OFS proposals on regulating harassment and sexual misconduct include implementing a register or ban on staff-student sexual and romantic relationships (
- Most students are uncomfortable with such relationships
Congress resolves:
- To consult with the Equalities Standing Committees and Anti-Casualisation Committee, as well as the NUS, The 1752 Group, and other relevant specialist and survivor organizations.
- To oppose institution-wide registers of relationships
Congress calls branches to:
- Work with employers and students’ unions, drawing on peer-reviewed research to develop professional boundaries between staff and students
- Seek policies to prohibit staff from entering into intimate relationships with students for whom they have current or potential teaching, learning, or pastoral support responsibilities
- Include in such work:
- Awareness raising on professional boundaries and preventing sexual harassment across academic hierarchies (including between staff)
- Development of training for staff handling disclosures in this area.
This page was last updated on 7 May 2024