Policy decision: Academic Freedom and the Sacking of Professor David Miller
This motion was agreed by the branch at a general meeting 25 January 2022
Leeds UCU notes that:
- Bristol university has sacked UCU member, Professor David Miller;
- David Miller’s work is critical of Israel;
- Bristol University, under external political pressure, has abrogated its responsibility to defend academic freedom;
- the QC appointed by the University of Bristol to investigate allegations concluded that Miller was not guilty of unlawful speech, and that claims that his behaviour was antisemitic were unfounded;
- Miller’s is only the most prominent of such cases that have proliferated across the HE sector since Government pressure was applied to universities and colleges to adopt the IHRA definition.
Leeds UCU resolves to:
- send its expression of solidarity and concern to Professor Miller;
- write to the University of Bristol VC, Senate and Trustees urging that the Miller dismissal be rescinded;
- write to UCU HEC calling for UCU support for any future crowdfunding to continue legal processes to overturn this decision, and calling for a consideration of ‘greylisting’ of Bristol until Miller is reinstated;
- contribute from branch funds to any future crowdfunding in support of Miller’s legal redress;
- explain the case to members, and urge individual financial support for future crowdfunding;
- publicly express concern about this attack on academic freedom at Bristol;
- call on the General Secretary and President to write to the VC, Senate and Trustees at Bristol to express the UCU condemnation of this assault on academic freedom and the damage to the reputations of staff and students associated with the University.
Proposed by Lesley McGorrigan. Moved by Lesley McGorrigan, seconded by Janet Watson. The motion was carried.
This page was last updated on 31 March 2022