Policy decision: Solidarity with the People of Ukraine
This motion was agreed by the branch at an emergency general meeting 15 March 2022
The branch notes:
- That Russia has commenced a war of aggression including a full invasion of Ukraine
- The stated rationales by Putin range from false to farcical
- The people of Ukraine have democratically elected their government as is their sovereign right
- that UCU has already donated £1,000 to the UNICEF Emergency Appeal: https://www.ucu.org.uk/article/12139/Dispatches-from-the-picket-lines-Monday-28-February
The branch therefore resolves to:
- Unreservedly condemn the Russian invasion of Ukraine and call for Russia to cease hostilities and withdraw from Ukraine
- Make a further donation to UNICEF emergency fund
- Send solidarity to the Trade Union of Education and Science Workers of Ukraine (TUESWU) and the Free Trade Union of Education and Science of Ukraine (VPONU).
- Call on the UK government to impose sanctions on Russia’s elites, engage in diplomacy to quickly and peacefully restore Ukraine’s sovereignty, and to open the UK’s borders to refugees from Ukraine, of every ethnicity.
Proposed by Ruth Holliday and Gabriella Alberti, moved by Ruth Holliday, motion carried
This page was last updated on 1 April 2022